Hey There!

I never planned to make a site dedicated to my rp partners, but this seemed to be easier than rewriting my preferences every time. Thank you for showing interest!

About Me!

Hey There, I'm Xenon! You might also know me as Xe64 or possiblyz depending on the platform you're coming from.I've been roleplaying for close to a decade now and it's probably one of my favourite hobbies! I love writing and storytelling, so being able to share that with another person can be great.I'm 17 years old as of now and I plan to get a degree in Sports Management after I graduate. I'm training for pro wrestling which tends to keep me busy most evenings, but generally my schedule is pretty open and my responses are almost always quick.

My Boundaries and Preferences!

I'm a pretty open person, however there always has to be a line.Partners should be 15+ (I myself am 17 - if you're too young to at least be in my high school, I'm not comfortable!)
Don't push! If I say I am not comfortable, I likely will not change my mind.
I'm not picky with response length and will try to match your skill level - however using at least one full sentence will keep the flow of things. I myself aim for 2-3 as a minimum, but I can always do more or less.
Please avoid godmoding - I understand that having characters that super powerful can be fun, but it isn't always enjoyable for me if you're consistently trying to one-up my characters.
I am Lgbtq+ friendly and I am part of the community myself!
I love romance, but I like variety too! I prefer it if there are other things going on as well - even if it's a secondary plot. It just helps to avoid endless cycles of the same thing.

Characters, Where I RP, And How to Contact Me!

My characters are primarily humanoid, feline, and canine. I was introduced to the RP community through warrior cats so that tends to be the only fandom based RP I do - however I'm always open to trying something new!I have an anxiety disorder, so I don't usually join group roleplays with people I don't know meaning 1n1 is preferred. I'm trying to work on this though!I primarily roleplay on Discord and Wolf RPG (linked below, I recommend it if you enjoy canine rp!). Discord is the quickest way to contact me - however I may answer on other platforms linked on the home page.My Discord: possiblyz